Tuesday, August 28, 2012

99U.com Article


After reading the article, "Tina Seelig: On Unleashing Your Creative Potential", I slowly began to think  similarly to Tina Seeling in that I believe that creativity is imbedded within everyone and isn't just something that certain people obtain. Honestly, depending on whether or not you choose to pursue and chase that creativity is how we are labeled  "creative" or not. From experience, I've been known to others as an "artistic and creative person", but to me, everyone is that in some way or another. Although I don't think creativity can be taught completely, I think that steps to think creatively can be achieved from those who don't believe they have a "creative gene".

Basically Seelig states that although some are naturally creative, almost anyone can achieve a certain skill if they really put their mind into it, including creativity. She states that although she doesn't consider herself a musical person, if she really put her mind to it, she could develop musical skills. Although I don't consider myself a great speaker/orator/speech-maker, I'm sure if I REALLY tried hard to master publicly speaking, I could. Its really not impossible, it would just be very challenging to me. 

She also gives some insiders on what hacks to keep her going, her uncommon career path, advice for a more creative life and how surroundings affect us. With her knowledge and experience, I think Tina Seelig gives a great insight on this subject. I'd like to read more about Tina Seelig and her insights.